Monday, August 15, 2016

REAL Money Vs PAPER Money

Money as many say makes the world go round. As true as it maybe one begins to wonder why so few have enough to meet their needs. 

Do you know that your 1,000,000 in your bank account today, may be worth 700,000NGN in 3months? At the first quarter of the year a bag of rice was sold for as low as 8,000-11,000NGN, but today that same bag is sold for 18,000-20,000NGN. 
What we use in our day to day means of exchange of goods and service is Paper Money, it depreciates over-time, it does not have real value.

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What then is REAL Money? Real money is money that its value is maintained over-time; Today it can buy one bag of rice,next five years it can still buy that same bag of rice.
Paper Money can buy bag of rice today, but in next five years it can only buy 2dozens of rice.

Why then do we save money in the bank? with banks given us conditions to make us think they are helping us save our money. Invest in REAL Money I say.
I know by now you will be thinking what are the examples of real money? Examples of Real money are Gold, Silver, Assets like Land etc.

Frances, who lives in London, sold her flat in 2008 and invested £40,000 of the profit in gold, which she bought via the internet and keeps in a vault in Switzerland.
"I don't fear a financial Armageddon," she tells Radio 4's Analysis, "but I do fear governments, in their desperate search for wealth, constantly printing more money to deal with the debt that they have at the expense of people like me.
"So I need to protect against that."

If you cannot buy Gold, buy assets with your money rather than save it where it will depreciates over-time .
MMM can help you  meet your dream of having an asset. Invest in ASSETS it Pays! 

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