Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Questions & Answers About MMM

Frequently Asked Questions!
Q: What is MMM?
A: MMM - means Mavrodi Mondial Movement (or Moneybox).
MMM is not a financial institution, MMM does not collect your money, MMM is not an online business, HYIP, investment or MLM program.
MMM is a community where people help each other financially.
MMM gives you a technical basic program, which helps millions of participants worldwide to find those who NEED help, and those who are ready to PROVIDE help for FREE.
All transferred funds to another participants are your help given by your own good will to another participant, absolutely gratis.
Click Here to Read More: http://www.nigeria-mmm.net/what_is_mmm/
A: As you register, the registration is free you are not required to bring any referral before you can benefit from the community.
After registration, it is not a must to request to donate/provide help (money) immediately. In fact, your money remains with you even after you make pledge of donation.
So you can just register and learn how it works, and after you are convinced, you can go ahead and request to Provide Help (PH) or make donations. 
A: In MMM, we make pledges to donate our SPARE money to members/participants who need the money. We do so by logging into our MMM account (Personal office) to make a pledge (Provide Help). We join the queue of people who made pledges after making pledges.

We ONLY make pledges. We don't gather our pledges to give to one person. In MMM there is no CENTRAL ACCOUNT (No bank account where all our pledges are paid into). Members/Participants transfer money directly to each other.

If a member in the community who has already made a pledge to provide financial help to another member has fulfilled his pledge now needs help, he does that by logging into his MMM account (Personal Office) to request to Get Help (GH).

The system, connects him with another person in the queue for providing help (PH). If it's your turn on the queue to provide help; when you log into your Personal Office, you will receive the details of the person to provide financial help to.
Let me explain it like this, say you registered, on the 1st of July and pledged 200K. U wait to be matched with another member randomly which could be -/+35 days.
On the 10th day you were likely matched to provide help of 200k to Amina in Sokoto.
Once matched with Amina you have 48hours to pay into her personal account number in the order details.
Then you confirm her bank details and transfer into her account, once you are done with the payment, u must upload your teller through your personal office.
After that, You also call Amina to confirm the payment within that same 48hours both u the sender and Amina the receiver must complete the process within the given time.
Once the process is complete, you have to wait for the circle to complete 30days before u can request to Get Helped (GH).
You wait till the 30th of July to get ur help of 30% mavro growth + ur initial donation of 200k.
This time the system again randomly matches you, lets say, with Bayo in Lagos.
Bayo will be given 48hrs to make payment into your own personal account to pay you 260k. That is to say ur getting help of 60,000 is 30% of ur 200k.
After Bayo makes payment to you, he will login to his own PO and upload teller to confirm his donation. Once you receive alert, you will also login to your PO and confirm Bayo's payment.
And the circle continues that way...

To Join: visit: MMMNigeria
feel the columns while leaving the invite and guider's column the way it appears. 


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  2. Thanks for the MMM updates. Quite enriching

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  4. Why was my previous comment removed?
